It's a No-Brainer.

Get Zappify Today!

Since you can't easily tell if a mosquito is carrying dengue, zika, malaria, or chikungunya, you’re far better off ZAPPING them than taking any chances!

Here's What's Great About Zappify 2.0
Wider Killing Zone: Zappify 2.0 zaps mosquitoes within an area of 30 square meters. That’s three times the range of the original Zappify!
Extended Battery Life: Each charge of Zappify 2.0 lasts up to 13 hours. That’s over twice the battery life of the original Zappify! 
Powerful Built-in Camping Light: Zappify 2.0 features a new, built-in light that works as a lantern and uses 12 ultra-bright LEDs to attract even more bugs outdoors.
Retractable Handle: Features a handy carabiner to make it easy to hang anywhere.
Multi-Band UV Trapping Light: Uses three different wavelengths of light to lure in flying bugs. That’s two more wavelengths than the original Zappify featured!
Battery Charge Indicator: Zappify 2.0 features a new battery charged indicator to let you know how much battery life you have left.
Bugs and mosquitoes aren't just irritating - they can spread life-threatening diseases! Fortunately, you don't need to worry about biting and stinging bugs anymore. Just set up a Zappify 2.0 and let the zapper take care of everything!
You can turn any room or outdoor area into a bug-free paradise in just minutes seconds! And Zappify 2.0 works just as well in a bedroom as it does during your weekend barbecue or yearly camping trip.
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